New label, new album

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We are very happy and proud to announce that we have signed with Denovali and will be releasing our new album entitled “The Will To Burn” in February 2018.

December 2016 Update

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Hello friends!

We are finishing up the writing of our new album right now, and are planning to head into the Swedish countryside to record it in early 2017. We’ve been working really hard on the new material
and are very excited to see how it will take shape once we record it.

Keep the light on friends, we sorely need it these troubled times, all of us.

love, scraps of tape.

“Where are you guys?”


Hey friends!

Time for a long overdue update about what is happening in Scraps Of Tape-land.
2014 was a weird year for us in many ways, a lot of ups and downs, triumphs and losses.
We released our fifth album “Sjätte Vansinnet”, an album we’re very very proud of, and we did a little bit of touring
to support it, but due to various reasons there were some troubles and we kind of lost a bit of steam and pep.

To not burn ourselves out we kind of came to an unspoken agreement to step back a bit and take a bit of a break from the old cycle we’ve been going through since the early 2000s. Better to cool it for a while than push on without really feeling it, right? We’ve all stayed busy with various projects during this break and we’ll try to do an update soon about all of that. Exciting things are happening for all members outside of the SOT-bubble as well!

Last weekend we got together in the ol’ rehearsalspace for the first time since about November and continued work on what’s shaping up to be our next release. We’re psyched and excited to be playing again, and we’ve got skeletons for about 6 or 7 songs written already and many ideas to try out and riffs to arrange. We’ve also started to look into possible dates for a few shows this autumn, but nothing decided yet.

The noble beast lives. Hope all of you are well, and that we might see you waving back to us from the audience sometime soon.

Sincerely, Scraps Of Tape